Thursday, February 24, 2005


Leonardo Squared the Circle--What's It All About?

Good question. While reading the article I had to ask myself "Why?" and "Who cares?" So, I'm no mathematician, which meant all the talk about measurements and formulas made for tedious reading. But I was intrigued by the article's conclusion:

"Leonardo’s secret encoding, within his Vitruvian Man, of his astounding solution to the squaring of the circle, may have merely masked the more explosive beliefs of his heresy."

Now this is titillating. If the subject of art doesn't grab my attention so much, the subject of religion does. The article suggests that the fact that Da Vinci's illustration of the circle being squared in fact masks the equation needed to actually do so, is to disguise a notion more important to Da Vinci, that John the Baptist and not Jesus of Nazareth was the central figure in Christianity. I suppose it is this sort of mystery surrounding Leonardo Da Vinci that has inspired stories like the Da Vinci Code--which I have yet to read.

My interest thus piqued, I have decided to do a Google search on the book, The Templar Revelation, which delves into theories about Da Vinci's "heretical" beliefs.

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